Reducing workplace VOCs is an easy way to cut emissions and foster a healthier workforce.

Environmental Sustainability.

At Tetra Polymer, we’ve been dedicated to protecting the environment since the development of our first products. These materials were specifically formulated to reduce the amount of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted into the workplace.

Our products are now utilized around the globe and empower our customers to consume less harmful materials and to produce cleaner emissions.


Conservation of Resources

Tetra Polymer is committed to responsible environmental management and to the conservation of resources.

We conduct our operations in full compliance with the strictest environmental laws and regulations.

Tetra Environmental Management System (TEMS)

Tetra Polymer uses an Environmental Management System approach to reduce our environmental footprint.

Our environmental policy sets our yearly priorities and includes commitments for continual improvement.

We use this method to assess and improve how we manage our impacts and conduct our business.

Waste Prevention and Minimization

We only formulate and market products that are non-hazardous.

We encourage our suppliers and customers to employ environmentally conscious manufacturing methods.

We have streamlined our packaging to reduce material use.

Reuse and Recycling

We are committed to the reuse or recycling of all waste materials from our processes.

We endeavor to fully integrate our products and processes in the recycling loop.

All packaging containers are selected so they can be re-used or recycled.


We continually review our products to ensure they exceed the most stringent air emission standards.

Our products are formulated to eliminate volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions.

None of our products or processes use Class I ozone-depleting chemicals.

Employee Participation

We communicate the goals of our environmental policy to our employees.

We train and support our employees in the responsible management of our environmental, health and safety activities.

Each employee is expected and encouraged to take ownership for their own environmental impact.

Climate focused innovation to reduce carbon emissions and hazardous waste generation.

Tetra Polymer is committed to developing and delivering quality products that exceed our customers' expectations.

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Tetra Polymer is committed to supplying detailed product literature, testing data and certifications for our products.

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Tetra Polymer is committed to providing exceptional customer service with easy and rapid access to our technical experts.

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